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Course in Electronic Devices

Electronic Devices
This Course is Offered and Certified by uLektz Academy

About the Course:

This course provides students with concept of PN junction diode, diffusion and drift current densities, forward and reverse bias characteristics, switching characteristics, NPN And PNP junction transistors- early effect, JFETs – drain and transfer characteristics- current equations-pinch off voltage and its significance and metal-semiconductor junction.


1. Will familiarize about Varactor diode.
2. Will demonstrate Gallium Arsenide device.
3. Will develop Gummel Poon-model.


There is no particular prerequisite to learn Electronic Devices you will be able to do very well, if you have these basic skills:
1. Good Analytics Skills
2. Good Understanding Skills
3. Good Communication Skills

Topics Covered:

Learning Content – 90 hours
Language – English
Certification – Learners will get the Certification after successful completion of the course.

Recommended Jobs:
Power Electronics Engineer, Sr. Systems Engineer, Applications Development Engineer etc.

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